Starter #9 1. Read "Ink on Paper" 2. How do you typically take notes? Why do you prefer this method? 3. Does this article change the way you think about taking notes in any way? 4. Why annotate? Why not (if you don’t)? Class Biz Review Senior Project Deadlines and Expectations This week's schedule and benchmarks Agenda 1. Exemplar Critique Protocol *Open the above link, follow the instructions. Choose ONE of the student examples based on the discipline of your own research question. (If your question is more humanities-based, choose Molly's. If it is more sciency, choose Tony's)
2. Deep Reading Lesson/Assignment Overview_ 1. Pair/share: What does it mean to deeply read something? What does this process look like? 2. Individually, read the "Deep Reading" assignment handout 3. Ask Ashley/Lori questions you have about it 4. A note on Matt’s feedback: Students hate this at first (and in the middle), but it’s been one of the most influential pieces in shaping their arguments, questions, and conclusions! 5. Need more examples for how to deep read? Watch Matt Hughes' screencast, "Deeply reading an academic text" embedded on the Senior Project page on my DP. 3. Database Access Video
4. WORK TIME: Find Sources!
5th period: Guest Speaker from Dharma Center
6th period Mini-Project Due
Take this Independent Work Survey During the course of your Senior Thesis and project, you will have more independent work time than you have yet experienced, both in class and in your time outside of the classroom. With this great freedom comes correspondingly higher responsibility, and a higher potential for failure if you can’t regulate your own work habits. We’ve developed this survey to help you reflect on your work habits, and identify areas where you’re going to need to focus in order to be successful in this endeavor. Survey Review
Go over Senior Project Deadlines and Expectations Starter #7-- Tomorrow we have a guest speaker from the Dharma center coming to talk about meditation as a Buddhist practice. To that end, answer these questions:
Agenda 1. If you didn't yesterday get critique on your STS project 2. Write your artist statement (See this document for guidelines: STS creative project) 3. Refine your project 4. Begin SP research!! Tomorrow your STS project is due @ the beginning of class! Starter Read over the guidelines for SPAM #1 (see Senior Project page for the handout) Compose an email to your SPA to set up SPAM #1 (CC me on the email!)
Send it Once done, work on your STS mini-project draft HOMEWORK
Agenda 5th period: 2. Work on STS creative project (be ready at the beginning of 6th period for peer critique) 6th period: Peer Critique + Refinement (Tomorrow you'll need to write your artist statement in class. Final product and artist statement are due B.O.C On Friday) CRITIQUE GUIDELINES 1. Trade projects (ideally in groups of 3) 2. Explain your project to the critiquers 3. Talk about:
Starter #6
What is your idea for your STS creative project and how will it meet the rubric's expectations? Remember, you have to PRODUCE something Class Biz How many people can walk with their smartphones? 2 min. youtube video Senior Project Page-- for all resources re: Senior Project Agenda Critique STS creative project ideas
Project work time Finish Senior Project Conferences ASHLEY'S SENIOR PROJECT NOTES FROM THIS WEEK's CONFERENCES
Starter (NO NUMBER)
Agenda 1. Seminar 2. Brainstorm ideas for final STS creative project and figure out if you need to get any materials for your project over the weekend.... 3. While all y'all brainstorm and plan, I'll conference with remaining students on Senior Project. Starter #5: LAST journal on No Tech Challenge
Seminar Coaching If you did not get through "Self Reliance" and "Solitude" with your group yesterday, please continue identifying the main ideas of each paragraph in groups of 2-3. Seminar Prep Once done with seminar coaching, you have the rest of class to work on seminar prep. Seminar is tomorrow, 5th period. Senior Project Check-ins I will conference with you individually while the class works on seminar prep. Starter #4: Journal on No Tech Challenge + Into the Wild reaction
For the first 15 minutes of class, please journal on Day 2 of your no tech challenge AND Into the Wild. Here are some prompts to consider:
Some questions to consider:
Agenda Discuss the no tech challenge Ashley's advice for stellar seminar prep
5th period: Seminar coaching on "Self-Reliance" and "Solitude"
6th period: We'll be spending all of 6th period looking at examples of research questions, practicing and then refining your own research questions! ***The following students need to take this survey on your senior project question, etc...NOW
Starter #4- No Tech Challenge Journal
For the first 15 minutes of class, please journal on Day 1 of your no tech challenge. Here are some prompts to consider:
Class Biz
Agenda Guest Speaker-- Andy Gingerich to talk about the Amish and their views on technology and simplicity Starter #4- No Tech Challenge Reflection (see above) Finish Into the Wild [Time pending] Journal on your reactions to the film. Some questions to consider:
Class Biz:
AGENDA Watch Into the Wild Starter Please take this quick survey about your senior project research question and project idea to help us keep track more easily of everyone's ideas and to pair you up with advisors more efficiently. Class Biz
Homework reminder
Agenda Transcendentalism Powerpoint Review seminar prep guidelines (See my diagram on the board if you need help organizing her seminar prep):
"End of Solitude" Coaching
Time to read Text #2: "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson Again, this is a challenging reading and will require attention, patience, and a dictionary. Take your time, persevere and write down any questions or confusions about language/meaning to better serve you in seminar coaching.. Starter #3: Respond to the above quote.
Class Biz
Solitude Unit Essential Questions
Agenda This Week's Essential Questions 4 Corners
Super Quick overview of the Romantics/Romanticism Read Reading #1: “The End of Solitude” (6 pages) Warning: This article is quite difficult, and may have terms/references you don’t understand! Look them up. For a challenge, try the unmodified article here: http://chronicle.com/article/The-End-of-Solitude/3708
Whole Class Wrap-Up (If time)
Please take this survey to help your senior teachers track all of your Senior Project ideas! Class Biz Agenda Transcendentalism/Romantics powerpoint Go over seminar prep guidelines (Here is the link to seminar readings and guidelines):
Essential Questions
Read “Self-Reliance” by Emerson and complete seminar prep relevant to this essay STARTER:
Agenda 1. Seminar (Seminar Groups) 2. Watch TED Talk called "Stillness" and discuss it Starter #2: Sharing Social Media Smorgasbord work from last Tuesday
Class Biz:
AGENDA Seminar Prep: For EACH the three following articles, please do the following in a new document. Title the doc “Technology Seminar Prep_YourName” and share it with me BEFORE class tomorrow.
The Articles
Ashley CarruthHumanities teacher at Animas High School Archives
May 2021
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