Class Biz
![]() Dearest seniors, of whom I have been super appreciative of all year because 1. You are respectful, hardworking and focused (I know those were technically 3 reasons but remember that I can't count that well) and 2. You are also funny and quirky and crack me up every day thus making my job infinitely more fun, I am sadly not here today. Enter our hypothetical dialogue: Students: Why? WHY, Ashley?! It isn't even a powder day! Ashley: I know and thank goodness for that because I'm actually in Palm Springs, CA, retirement home and manicured lawn capital of the world and would hate to be missing another weekend of skiing the gnar. Students: But, what ever would bring you to such a horrid place in the middle of one of the best winters of our Millennial lifespan? Ashley: I'm getting a head start on shopping for retirement homes. It's never to early to start planning, kiddos! Now listen to the sub and give each other quality feedback on your thesis statements so that I don't have to read terrible thesis statements when I get back from retirement home shopping. Announcements
Resources you will need for today:
Today's Agenda 1. Email Ashley your final annotated bibliography. It should have 8-10 sources and notes on it and is worth 100 points. 2. THESIS STATEMENTS! Read through the thesis statement workshop handout (which the sub will pass out) and follow the instructions carefully. When you are done getting feedback from 5 peers, please turn in the most refined version of your thesis statement into the class inbox on my desk. *Please note, I do expect whatever you come up with today to morph and change as you write and think more deeply about how to synthesize your research. This is to get us started, and give you some direction in your outlining process. 3. OUTLINING: Once you have a thesis statement that has gone through the critique process, you should start outlining. My suggestion is that you start thinking about Part 3, and thinking about how you want to organize this section. Think about major themes in your research, different arguments that are made about you topic, and start making groups. Then move on to outlining Parts 1 and 2.
HOMEWORK: Come to class tomorrow with a solid working thesis statement. Complete goal as listed above. ideally outline part 1 today. See the student examples on my senior project page if you are stuck. Don't have enough information to flesh out an outline? Better do more research! STARTER
Let's reorient ourselves to the senior project page resources so that you know exactly where you can find any and all documents needed to help you write your outline, thesis statement and ultimately, your thesis paper! 1. Head on over to the senior project page of my DP 2. Find the section titled "Phase 3: Writing" 3. Now find the following three documents:
5. Once you've located these sources, open the "ELEMENTS of your thesis" document. If you'd like a hard copy of this, let me know! Read through each section of this guide. Be prepared to discuss the following questions:
AGENDA 1. Discuss the above questions regarding the required elements of your thesis
A strong thesis statement should do most or all of the following:
3. Look at the outline assignment and examples to be found on my senior project page 4. Work time and Homework:
SPAM 2 Email:
Annotated Bibliography Goals and Reminders:
STARTER 7 “You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, not look through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in books. You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me, you shall listen to all sides and filter them from yourself.” ― Walt Whitman, Song of Myself --> Spend 15 minutes responding to the above quote from Walt Whitman's poem, "Song of Myself". Questions to consider include:
HOMEWORK Finish goals listed above. Read on and let me know if you're interested!
********************************************* This is an email to me from Ty CHurchwell, who runs Trout Unlimited in town: "As you know, I’m leading a community effort to fix the mines up near Silverton and get our beloved Animas to where she deserves to be – healthy! TU’s coalition, the San Juan Clean Water coalition, is playing a lead role in the Superfund process and now represents about 125 Durango businesses and thousands of individuals. In an effort to better inform our residents on the effort, I thought it would be fun and productive to utilize the parade as a way to hand out swag to people on the streets. Here’s what I’m thinking…. I’ve got boxes and boxes of campaign brochures (a simple rack card – PDF version attached so you can see it) and bumper stickers (see photo below). I’d love to give a big pile of each to these students and let them hand them out to anyone and everyone who’ll take one. There is no reason for the youngsters to be up-to-speed on our work, nor do they need to know details or answer questions. All we’re trying to do is get people to the campaign website for information. I can see these kids walking up and down Main street BEFORE the parade handing out swag. I did the exact same thing at Riverdays this past summer – I handed out thousands of bumper stickers in 15 minutes. People always want bumper stickers and they’ll take darn near anything you attempt to hand them. In other words, this won’t take long and the kids will be off-duty very quickly. Once their pile of swag is gone, they’re free to go ahead with their Snowdown mayhem. I’d meet up with them before the parade, give them their swag supply and let them loose. They’ll be done before the parade even begins, I’m sure. They could also, or alternatively, bust into the parade and walk down the street with the parade handing these things out to spectators. Other than that, they’ll be on the sidewalks. In exchange for their help, depending on how many assist, I’ll buy these guys a gift certificate for Fired Up or Home Slice for pizzas for the group. Starter: Evaluating News Sources!
Class Biz
HOMEWORK: Complete your annotated bibliography entries for 5 sources Starter: Share out your starter responses from yesterday since I wasn't here and I want to hear them!
Do we want to watch part of the inauguration speech? Annotated Bibliography work time and continue your research! Class Biz:
Starter 6 (for real): Reflect on tomorrow's inauguration 1. Tomorrow is inauguration. On the eve of President elect Trump's inauguration, what are your thoughts, hopes, concerns, etc...? What media have you been consuming since the election? What have you learned about his cabinet appointments or first 100 days agenda items and what are your thoughts on those points? 2. Would you like to watch part of the inauguration in class tomorrow? Why or why not? 3. If you were not here on Tuesday, please take the Deep Reading Survey! Annotated Bibliography Daily Goal
HOMEWORK Finish the daily goals for today if you didn't finish them in class. Announcements:
Starter 6: Deep Reading Survey Please take the survey linked above to give us feedback on this assignment! TURN IN YOUR DEEP READING ASSIGNMENT! Annotated Bibliography
HOMEWORK Get anything ready that you need for off-campus work tomorrow. Find and print at least two additional sources. ANNOUNCEMENTS
Starter 5
Deep Reading Goals
HOMEWORK Finish, print, and assemble your Deep Reading packet if you didn't finish it in class today. DUE: Start of class, Tuesday. That means printed and stapled BEFORE class starts! Montessori is doing a fundraiser at the Durango Arts Center on March 3rd! I gotta tell you, performing a live story is a HOOT! I can help you prepare if you would like as I did one for a similar event in August. It is like that super rad podcast called "The Moth". Here is the link to my performance (disclaimer: this was from the first night and I was nervous. Wish they'd recorded the second night instead. Alas.) Below are flyers/forms for this upcoming event.
process assignments. Accepted up to 5 days late. 4. SPAM 1: Rememember, your SPAM 1 deadline is next THURSDAY! You must have your meeting and turn in the SPAM 1 form by 3:30 on that date. 5. DEEP READING ASSIGNMENT DUE TUESDAY, all pieces printed out, stapled together with the rubric on top! Agenda Starter 4
Deep Reading Goals
HOMEWORK Finish the Deep Reading Goals listed above if you didn't finish them in class! (DUE TUESDAY, all pieces printed out, stapled together with the rubric on top!) Announcements:
Starter: SPAM is here!
Deep Reading Work Time
Starter 3: What's the most interesting thing you've found in your research so far? How is this shaping the research you are doing, the questions you are asking, and your ideas for your paper?
Gone Friday? Senior Project Advisor Survey Take the survey linked above to help us figure out who your Senior Advisor will be! Class Biz
Deep Reading Research Work Time + Conferences with Ashley
Ashley CarruthHumanities teacher at Animas High School Archives
May 2021
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