Starter (EMAIL RESPONSES TO YOUR HUMANITIES TEACHER) Review this project’s rubric and evaluate yourself thus far…..(You will complete this rubric NEXT Tuesday)
Meet as a whole group and get organized!
Get to work! Today’s meetings 11:30-1:30: Ashley and Lori circulate to check-in on these deadlines/task lists. Be in your assigned room please! 1:10-1:35: Project team managers meet in Ashley’s room to share out next steps/deadlines/needs/announcements For those who missed the workshop, or those who want to draw on this research for your project work, here you go! These docs will also be linked on the "Documents" page of my DP.
Folder of Resources Found Here Announcements
Doty's Workshop will be on.....
Doty serves as a consultant and educator for Trauma Sensitive Schools, teaching about the impact of trauma on brains, bodies, and behaviors. She is trained to help schools infuse trauma sensitive practices while building the resilience of staff and students alike. Trauma Sensitive Schools see a decrease in discipline referrals and an increase in outcomes like graduation rates and higher levels of staff engagement, satisfaction, and retention. To accomplish by the end of the week
Today’s Action Items
To accomplish by the end of the week
Today’s Meetings
Today’s Action Items
Starter Get into your project teams and share out one thing you're excited about regarding this team or project OR why you chose this project. Today's Goals:
Next Steps Framing from Ashley "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it" -Simon Sinek If you want to make change, sell a product, inspire, you gotta speak to the WHY. We scrapped our original plan for problem and goal statements and decided it made more sense for each project team to develop their own specific to their project. So, the next part of class is devoted to fleshing out the problem your project team is trying to solve and then your WHY, WHAT and HOW (Why, Vision and Mission) to solve that problem ideally in a way that connects to our project's overarching goal of building a more resilient community. Problem Statement Drafting
Goal Statement (WHAT/WHY/HOW) Drafting Once Ashley approves your problem statement (Yup, I am the Queen of Approval) now fill out the rest of the handout. Committee Roles and Project Brainstorm Discussion
Project Team Committees Suggestions
Getting to the root of mental health in DGO notes from TuesdayTodayStarter: Turn and chat with a neighbor, be ready to share out!
Whole Class
Resilience Definitions
Today's Goals
Project Ideas Overview: "We Are Resilient Together" Overarching goal (rough draft): Build a more resilient community through multiple student-led projects with community partnerships meant to provide much needed mental health resources and form stronger connections.
Some More Ashley Thoughts: Resiliency is about fixing the fence-- if you can help people develop strategies to bounce back from stress and hard times, you're hopefully avoiding having to pull them out of the river later on. However, BOTH prevention and intervention are needed and these project ideas get at both. Moreover, a more sustainable solution is one that helps people and communities be resilient. AND a more sustainable solution is one that can live on beyond our time. The resources we create AND partnerships we form to continue our work and share our work through their networks, will ideally ensure that. Stakeholder Conversation Get in 3 groups, ideally not with anyone from your interview group. You need: "Getting to the Root" handout, pen/pencil
Project Teams: TAKE THIS SURVEY after I go over the options!
Work Time
Interview Write-ups are due! Make sure they are linked to the Stakeholder Spreadsheet Today’s goals:
10:00-10:30 Breeah from Celebrating Healthy Communities to present on ways we could partner with them! 10:30-11:15 Interview write-up share outs: Get in groups, not with anyone from your group. Go to Kyle, Lori’s, Commons. You need: Getting to the Root handout, pen/pencil
Today’s Goal: Get the wheel’s churning for our class’s goal for this project!
Announcements Wed, modified schedule. 1st and 2nd ALL with Kyle. 3rd and part of 4th, ALL with Ashley and Lori. We’ll give you most of 4th period off if you’re efficient and productive! Starter: Fill out as much of page 1 of the handout as possible Whole Class: Let’s get a class version on the board! Project Goals: Individual brainstorm on Project Goals Reminder...Yesterday, we identified our scope to be Durango schools (with a possibility for a focus group to work on schools in the county too). Based on that scope, jot down your ideas on the following:
Work Time
STARTER: Project Scope
3 small groups Share out your starter responses and try to come to consensus on the scope. Some additional things to talk about in this discussion:
Whole Class Share out what your group decided on with regards to scope. Elect one person from our class to meet with representatives from the other two pods to come to consensus on scope. Work Time
HOMEWORK As needed: Work on interview write up or Senior Project Research. Starter
On a piece of loose leaf paper or in an email, write Ashley a note to describe your general well-being at this point in the semester. How are you doing? How have you been managing any stress or challenges in your life? Feel free to share as little or as much as you feel comfortable. If there is anything you feel I can do to support your own efforts to live a personally sustainable life, include that as well. Reminders
Work Time Options Today (see below for more details)
Stakeholder Research Requirements
Writing Conferences with Ashley and Senior Project Research time
- Honors: Windfall discussion today - Afternoon pod: Alma's on for OPAI - Homework the next week is just to interview your stakeholder group and write up stakeholder interview notes! - You should also be finding time to do Senior Project Phase 2 research Stakeholder- Brainstorm and Groups
Interview Question Brainstorm
Stakeholder Choices and Research
Stakeholder Research Requirements
Writing Conferences with Ashley and Senior Project Research time
Ashley CarruthHumanities teacher at Animas High School Archives
May 2021
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