Starter: Review “Born Good? Babies Unlock the Origins of Morality” What do you remember learning about in the video we watched at the end of class yesterday about Yale's Baby Lab. Discuss: What does the research in that 60 minutes video suggest about the formation of morality in humans? Specifically, these values:
WATCH: Short Youtube Video on Monkeys and Fairness (2 minutes)
Heinz dilemma (press pause after one minute)
We’re not actually going to share out our responses. However, you should definitely think about your choice and how it may or may not relate to what we learn about later in class regarding Kohlber’s Theory of Moral Development. Short Lecture: Intro to Moral Psychology (10 minutes) Read about Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development Small Groups- (6 in total): Discuss Kohlberg
Apply Your Knowledge: If someone came up to you with answers to this year’s SAT or ACT exam, would you take a peek?
IF TIME.....(doubtful!) We'll do the rest of what we have up here! Otherwise, this will be for tomorrow. Revisit “What is Justice?” Freewrite What did you write about in Tuesday's starter? Share it out! John Greene crash course in justice (10 minute video) Which definition of justice resonates most with you?
Take notes on:
Independent time to capture notes on John Greene’s video (10 minutes) Debrief/Share out (20 minutes)
Report out! Reporter, report out on your group’s discussion and go over questions as a class Justice Project Overview Let's read about this project! Comments are closed.
Ashley CarruthHumanities teacher at Animas High School Archives
May 2021
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