Is Congress Broken SAC Deadlines, etc....
Here is tomorrow's schedule (Day 2 of work time, Thursday) Step 4: Answer Reading Questions (Independently) and continue reading (45 minutes) 1. Answer all the reading questions for your core assigned document, either digitally or handwritten. 2. Summarize the main arguments of your additional document(s) in your own words (this can just be a bullet pointed list) Step 5: Gather evidence (partners) I’ll assign you a partner with your same position. With your partner, gather all of the evidence from your document that supports your perspective. Do some more reading as necessary
Step 6: Organize your evidence (partners)
TODAY'S AGENDA 1. I'll put you into groups of 4 2. Go over the senior project brainstorm critique guidelines 3. Critique! Senior Project Brainstorm Peer Critique You’re here, and you’re in your small group. Now what? Below is the protocol that you will run through for each person in your group. Please stick to times! Strict! Strict! Roles:
The Process: 1. Presenter (2 minutes)- Reads their 3 ideas, and explains why it’s interesting to them, and what problems they are grappling with. 2. Group Discussion (5 minutes)- The presenter is silent, and the rest of the group discusses their ideas. Remember, the goal here is to come up with new ideas, to push their thinking further and in new directions. Let your ideas flow! During this time, the presenter is silent and taking notes. Here are some potential questions for the group to discuss: a. Which idea do you think is most interesting? Why? b. What other avenues or ideas do you see that they haven’t thought of yet? c. What about…? d. What topics are these ideas connected to? e. What ideas do you have for them with regards to the problems they mentioned? 3. Presenter Returns (2 minutes)- The presenter joins the discussion for the last two minutes, and asks for any feedback/questions they may still want. 4. Presenter Summary (1 minute)- The presenter speaks on their own, and addresses the following two questions: a. What new ideas do you have after this? b. What direction are you thinking about taking your project/research at this point? The Reflection Before you move into your Initial Research phase, make sure that you complete a typed reflection on the following questions: 1. What feedback or ideas did you get from the group discussion? 2. What new directions is this taking you in? 3. What is your leading idea at this point for your research and your project? Describe it, and why you would like to head in this direction. Comments are closed.
Ashley CarruthHumanities teacher at Animas High School Archives
May 2021
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