Starter: Get Meta!
Let's Review Kohlberg and learn about Carol Gilligan
Justice Project Overview Let's read about this project! Popcorn style! (fun fact: dog's paws smell like popcorn) Introducing the Social Change Model of Leadership: Read pages 17-21 from Leadership for a Better World and be ready to answer the discussion questions below. Context: Throughout this semester, we will be developing leadership skills that will help you both with your senior project work, and future collaborative efforts. As we’re asking you to think about your senior project in terms of impact, in some way, that means being an agent of social change. A model of leadership that fits best with both our Justice Project and these goals of senior project is called “The Social Change Model of Leadership” and was developed by a group of researchers and professors to assist college students with bringing about change at all sorts of levels. We’re going to read a bit about this framework and then focus on ONE part of this framework: Consciousness of Self. Discussion Questions
Consciousness of Self
Core Values Exercise Why?? Not only is knowing your values important to leadership as we’ve discussed so far today, but it will be important throughout our Justice project. As we explore various philosophies of Justice, it is critical that you understand what you value, what you believe, and how those beliefs translate to your views on what is justice, and how to bring about justice for specific issues. So, we’ll do an activity to identify your core values. Next week, we’ll read one text that argues that Justice is rooted in the value of compassion. I wonder how your views of justice relate to your own values? Instructions: Make a copy of the “Core Values Exercise” document linked above and go to town! When you're done reading: Think/Write about where you developed those values. From whom? From what experiences? etc…. Share Out: In groups of 3-4
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Ashley CarruthHumanities teacher at Animas High School Archives
May 2021
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